Sage Philosophy

Our Philosophy

At Sage we value people and relationships. We appreciate that all children and families are unique, and we embrace diversity with our inclusive practices. We understand that the early years are the most crucial stage of a child’s development. We take pride in our role in maximising children’s learning, growth and development during this stage which in turn supports positive outcomes throughout life.   

We implement a holistic approach to learning and development. We ensure that we are intentional and purposeful with our learning environments and experiences for children. We know that children learn through play and learn best when they are interested in what they are doing. Children’s agency is supported with their input and involvement in decision making. We support them in feeling heard, valued and respected to encourage their confidence, self-esteem, self-worth and emotional wellbeing.   

We believe in supporting children to understand the world around them including an understanding of languages and cultures, environmental sustainability, and an appreciation for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives from the land in which they live.   

We partner with families who we believe are the child’s first teachers. Families are involved in decision making and sharing information to support their child’s learning. Families provide us with unique insight into their child which supports us in providing individualised care and learning.