
Sage Education

Our curriculum has been an evolution. When designing the curriculum, we have incorporated the thoughts, ideas and research of many professionals spanning over decades who have developed a deep understanding of children’s learning through their extensive experience, and reflections on how children learn best.   

The curriculum has been created with flexibility in consideration of the varied learning styles, strengths, abilities, skills, interests, and needs of all children in care. Children, families and educators have opportunities to lead and navigate the learning that takes place within the curriculum.   

Our approach embodies the vision and values of the Early Years Learning Framework and leads with a holistic approach with the knowledge that learning is complex and interconnected.  

Our Curriculum is developed and based on these five learning areas:  

  • Identity   

  • Our World  

  • Wellbeing  

  • Confident learners  

  • Communicators  


Daily learning experiences and routines, both planned and spontaneous, are linked to these learning outcomes where educators are intentional about concepts explored but also use teachable moments through child-led experiences to maximise opportunities for learning. Through these experiences, educators actively support children reach their goals and milestones and develop a passion for learning.   

Our curriculum works in partnership with our optimally designed environment incorporating the Sage learning hubs. These hubs are thoughtfully designed to offer the children exposure to interest areas that ignite their curiosity and sense of inquiry and discovery. Our learning hubs are rich in resources and are crafted to be inviting and inspire children’s imaginations.   

  • Identity

    An understanding of identity is the foundation to a child’s learning, development and wellbeing. Children construct and evolve their own identity within the context of relationships with others and everyday experiences. This includes relationships with their families, other children, communities, but also the people who they come across in life as well as the places they visit. All these components combined will help shape a child’s identity over time and contribute to their sense of who they are and their place in the world.  

  • Wellbeing

    Having a strong sense of wellbeing maximises children’s learning potential. Wellbeing includes physical health, fitness, nutrition, sleep and rest, emotional and mental resilience. This concept also includes children understanding personal safety and protective behaviours as well as strategies to support their own wellbeing.  

  • Our World

    Children exist within a range of communities which are likely to grow and multiply over time. Children are a part of their family, their local community, the Service community, and other social and cultural communities. Through Our World, children learn about their rights and responsibilities within communities. They become eco-warriors immersed in nature striving to become environmentally and socially responsible citizens. Children develop respect and appreciation for diversity within the worlds they exist in.   

  • Confident Learners

    When children are feeling safe and secure, they have the confidence to develop themselves as learners and become active participants in their learning experiences. Being a confident learner is a process of children building on what they already know and making connections to make sense of new experiences. As confident learners, children develop a growth mindset, can transfer their knowledge to multiple contexts, and can resource their own learning.  

  • Communicator

    Children are social beings who interact and communicate with others through verbal and non-verbal means. Children will learn about how to connect with others and make meaning from words, texts and language. As communicators, children will learn how to express themselves, exchange ideas and thoughts, ask questions and practice active listening.